Saturday, May 24, 2008

Launch Pad Welcomes International Authors and Artists

(Illustration from “A Day at the Beach,” by Aditi Laddha, from Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. Aditi’s work will appear in the upcoming “Oceans” issue)

Launch Pad welcomes Aditi, a young artist from India, to its growing list of international contributors hailing from Australia, Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It has been remarkable to watch these talented young authors and artists “take off” from across the globe, making Launch Pad a worldwide success.

Launch Pad invites submissions from any country and is still looking for material for the “Oceans” and “Summer Fun” issues. Visit the More Ideas page to learn most about these themes, and the Artists and Illustrators page to learn more about some of our contributors all over the world.