Monday, June 23, 2008

Oceans Issue

(Illustration by Sophia Rosen from the Oceans issue)

Dear Launch Pad Readers, 

I am pleased to announce that the "Oceans" issue of Launch Pad has now been published.  This third issue is accessible on the magazine web site.  In the "Oceans" issue, you will read a number of beautifully illustrated stories and poems by our outstanding young authors and illustrators.

Launch Pad still needs contributors.  We are looking for works for our Summer Fun (hiking, camping, summer sports, vacations, etc.), Mystery, and Variety (any topic) issues.  If you are a teacher, librarian, or parent, please encourage young people to submit their work!  Launch Pad especially needs young illustrators, so please encourage parents of young artists to submit a sample of their work.  Samples may be emailed to the editor.   I would welcome any comments that you might like to share about our most current issue.

Please consider showing your support for Launch Pad by forwarding or posting this announcement on listservs, blogs, Facebook, or other resources.  We are still looking for a publishing or association partner to launch a print version of the magazine.  If you know any individuals who might be interested, please let them know about this opportunity.

All the Best, 

Paul Kelsey
Editor and Publisher
Launch Pad: Where Young Authors and Illustrators Take Off!

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